"FachPack 2022 was a great success for PackSynergy. Numerous contacts from customers and suppliers proofed the great interest in our network and its member companies," the résumé of Thomas A. Baur, CEO of PackSynergy.
Besides that, the trade show provided an opportunity for interested companies to directly exchange information with colleagues. We are pleased to welcome an additional new partner to the network starting 1.1.2023.
Once more it became obvious that the European packaging network PackSynergy offers relevant services and an interesting perspective for market-leading, medium-sized, family-run packaging trade companies from all over Europe.
The focus topic of sustainability was met with great interest among partners as well as customers and suppliers. PackSynergy's early decision to pursue a consistent sustainability strategy together with its members is already paying off.
We thank our group suppliers for the provision of sustainable products for display at the Fachpack.
With PEAS (PackSynergy Environmental Assessment Scoring) we were able to provide an initial response to the increasing demand from distributorfor material expertise in sustainable products.
We would like to thank all of our partners and group suppliers who contributed to PackSynergy’s successful trade show participation.
An overview of our presented products you can see here www.packsynergy.com/suppliers/products/