
PackSynergy Interview mit Nette Geschäftsführer Stefan Gehrke

In einem exklusiven Interview teilt Stefan Gehrke, der neue Geschäftsführer der Nette GmbH, seine Visionen und Herausforderungen für die Zukunft des Unternehmens. Er erklärt, wie PackSynergy eine Schlüsselrolle dabei spielt, diese Ziele zu erreichen und welche Maßnahmen Nette…

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PackSynergy Interview Vamvacas Industrial Equipment SA

Insight into top performance: Our exclusive interview with Yagos Vamvacas, CEO and President of Vamvacas Industrial Equipment SA, a member of our PackSynergy network, gives us fascinating insights. Learn more about their market-leading position in Greece and the successful…

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Feedback from Ajda Lesjak, Managing Director EDIT d.o.o.

Investing in employee development enhances both competence and business success. Through the PackSynergy Learning Academy, we actively foster our partners' growth. Ajda Lesjak from EDIT d.o.o. underscores the benefits: Enhanced skills lead to increased sales and employee…

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PackSynergy Aafke te Focht Eggink Verpakkingen

Women power and succession: After our last inspiring interview, we are delighted to present another power woman from our network: Aafke te Focht, as Manager Operations, is a female successor in the family-run company Eggink verpakkingen B.V.

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PackSynergy Interview with Lisa Horna from Horna Verpackungen GmbH

We had the pleasure of interviewing Lisa Horna, a shining example of female empowerment and leadership within the PackSynergy family. Lisa Horna is the authorized representative and manager of HORNA Verpackungen GmbH, one of our valued partners.

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Seit dem 1. November 2023 gehört das dänische Unternehmen KD Emballage zur PackSynergy Gruppe, dem europäischen Netzwerk für mittelständische, inhabergeführte Verpackungshändler. Mit dem sehr erfolgreichen Verpackungsspezialisten KD Emballage konnte PackSynergy nach dem…

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