At PackSynergy AG, we believe in extending the celebration of International Women's Day beyond a single day, transforming it into International Women's Month. This month-long celebration allows us to spotlight the remarkable women within our extensive network who inspire us with their achievements and leadership. Today, we have the pleasure of introducing you to one such individual, Lisa Horna, a shining example of female empowerment and leadership within the PackSynergy family. Lisa serves as the Authorized Representative and leader at HORNA Verpackungen GmbH, one of our esteemed partners.
During the interview, it quickly became clear that her gender is not the stand-out feature of her quality as a leader. Even though she notices that she gets a lot of praise for taking on this "role" as a young woman, for Lisa Horna this role feels quite normal and she has encountered a lot of openness without facing any particular hurdles. Rather, it is her personality that brings a different perspective to the industry.
In your opinion, what role do female leaders play in today's business world, especially in traditional sectors such as the packaging industry?
Lisa Horna: "My personal opinion is quite simple: it's all in the mix. Diversity and equality are much more sustainable for the business world than the entrenched, old structures. I like to compare this with nature: compared to monocultures, mixed forests are much more resistant to environmental influences, improve the soil and promote biodiversity. I believe that a balanced relationship between men and women, between cultures, age structures and much more can contribute to an overall more progressive economy in Germany. Women can bring new perspectives, a different gut feeling and new management concepts in dealing with employees to the world of work. Nevertheless, the male perspective on things is no less relevant. I hope that we develop in a direction where the number of female and male managers is balanced. I am very positive about that!"
Are there female role models, both within your family and in the business world, who help you to achieve your goals and inspire you in particular?
Lisa Horna: „These role models do exist - both professionally and privately. In the family, for me it's my mother Stefanie Horna, who also plays a leading role in our family business, has put her heart and soul into the company for 25 years and has made a decisive contribution to the success of HORNA Verpackungen GmbH. My mom is an absolute power woman who, in addition to her work, also rocks family life and several honorary posts. There was also my grandma, a very tough woman who was infectious with her strength and zest for life. I've also been a member of the Wirtschaftsjunioren Schweinfurt for a few years now, an association of young entrepreneurs in which I've been able to get to know an incredible number of young power women who continue to inspire me. A large network, like PackSynergy is, is incredibly valuable when it comes to being inspired by ideas, courage and philosophies of life.“
Thank you Lisa Horna for this exciting interview, from which we were able to learn a lot for ourselves!
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